OSCAR CHABEBE - “Fourth World Primitive Music”



“Fourth World Primitive Music” seeks to be a post-apocalyptic  search for meaning through the use of serene hypnotic kalimbas, toy keyboard, melodica and a looping pedal that evokes indigenous sounds of many cultures.

REPTILES REPTILES Aka, Oscar Chabebe (Santo Domingo, 1978). Dominican Multiinstrumentalist (keyboards, drums, percussion, kalimbas, guitar). graduated from SUNY in 2005 where he studied studio composition. During his stay in Japan he was involved with the music of the Osuwa Taiko school. 

While living in New York, Oscar  was part o POPONONO  collectively  with Dan Deacon. He was also, the drummer for The Woes. Chabebe has performed in concerts with over 30,000 attendees in Tokyo, Osaka, Los Angeles, Paris, Hawaii, and Egypt.

Currently he is living and working in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic where he formed Oscar y Ricardo (https://soundcloud.com/oscaryricardo).

For over 20 years, Oscar has devoted himself to the compilation and audio restoration of  the work of Luis Dias,  believed to be the most important Dominican musician of all time (https://soundcloud.com/paginaterrorista). He has also completed a street documentary titled EL K-SO PIRIN (https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/234655647) and is currently working on several audiovisual projects.