
Materialization is based on the concept within the practice of creation where we come to a moment of change and transformation. 

Materialization can be a point of Magic or Alchemy, when you have given all your materials, skills, and time, to the formation of something, and then everything comes into play so magnificently as to yield your creation. This stage is a point of change not just for the materials but, is a change for the creator and audience as well. This shift happens in everyday life as well, through the things that we put time, effort and understanding into. These efforts materialize into different things that we never dreamed of; such as relationships, friendships, partnerships, art, and newfound understandings. The materialization of these things changes you as much as you change them. As author Octavia E. Butler said “All that you touch you change. All that you change, changes you.” This is true Alchemy, a sense of equal exchange, of mutual symbiosis. Through this process, we change the world we live in and the people around us and they change us. Everyone has the power within them to Materialize a New World, a place.  We change each other for the betterment of our community.

Curator: Lance Minto-Strouse

Participating Artists: Daniel Maya | Patrick Oleson | Dona Altemus | Noah Cribb | Lance Minto-Strouse